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Swing Door Inox

Sai Gon Nam Phat enables project specific solutions and ensures planners the greatest possible degree of design freedom.

At the same time, its low overall height fits in perfectly with every design.  Its unique ‘Smart Swing’ function also facilitates effortless manual passing of the door.

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Thông tin chi tiết về sản phẩm:

The swing door systems from Sai Gon Nam Phat make going through a door easier in the event that manual operation is too complex or difficult. The absolute reliability and safety of the swing door drives go hand in hand with clear and modern design lines. Sai Gon Nam Phat enables project specific solutions and ensures planners the greatest possible degree of design freedom.

Swing Door Inox
Swing door Inox


  • Lightweight operation feeling with single layer aluminium door panel
  • Smooth design using a special Inoxx alloy without using screws
  • SWING DOOR achieving both safety and high design performance
  • Washable, achieving clean and hygiene environment easily and at all time.

Application of Swing door inox

Swing door inox used at Wine cellar, garage, hopital, gym

Supplier of Swing door inox

The company commits to provide customers the best quality of service. In addition, our mission is to bring customers peace of mind during the workshop operation, Sai Gon Nam Phat provides repair services, if the customer has a request.

If you would like price quote and advisory, please provide your personal details here

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